We spent most of Saturday at the park and the beach with Matt's family. The weather was 75 and sunny! Couldn't have asked for anything better. I really enjoyed swimming in Lake Huron. Even though it was cold, I've missed the water so much I didn't care! And we got to catch up with family and see how much all of the kids have grown since we last saw them.
This is Mackenzie, our newest niece--such a cutie:

One of the older nephews, Jason, decided to have a little fun with the sunscreen!

Madelyn and Nathaniel had lots of fun together. That little guy has changed so much since our beach outing last year--but still just as cute!

Our newest nephew, Jeremiah, is so adorable!

On Sunday morning, we go to go sailing!!!! I totally love sailing, and was psyched that we got to fit that in! Our family friend, Ralph, took us out on his Catalina. I grew up sailing with him and his family, and it's always nice to see him again. After some initial misty rain, it cleared up perfectly and the water was soooo smooth.
That's me at the wheel, with the huge smile I couldn't wipe off my face the whole time!!

Shannon and Alabbas in the cabin (wasn't much room for everyone to sit!):

My dad, who taught me the joys of sailing:

After that, the four of us southerners headed on the road, stopping quickly in Gross Pointe to visit my grandparents, and grabbing oh-so-yummy, highly-recommended lunch at La Pita in Dearborn (had to get some authentic food for Alibas!). We got back super late, but filled with lots of excellent memories. Oh to have a weekend like that again! :)
More exciting things are on the way this summer. A couple more visits up north are in order, and I'm also taking a trip to Colorado in August! I'm going to visit my friend Megan, get some quality girl time in, and take some Rock the Dress photos!
As always, I'm excited for whatever God has in store for the future. I'll keep you posted!
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