30 April 2008

Purple Trees

Being fairly new to Kentucky, I'm in awe of the purple trees that blossom everywhere in the spring. They're so neat! I don't think I had seen purple trees until I moved down here. So I took some pictures at the park near our apartment the other day:

16 April 2008

Tennessee Nature

My family (parents and brother), along with Matt and I, spent a weekend near Gatlinburg recently. It was packed with great memories--yummy food, relaxation, a crazily hilarious charades game, and making it safely up the mountains to our beautiful cabin (long, scary story there). Best of all, I got to be with my husband and family! And, of course, the beauty of the Smokey's was stunning:

The sun was setting and the trees were glowing green all around our cabin! Really hard to catch on camera, but this is my best attempt:

A little fungi:

It was all wet and mossy. Yummy spring: