03 November 2010

Frankie's slideshow

Frankie, you are a miracle, a joy, and a gift. Your first six weeks have been just the beginning of an amazing journey God has prepared for you!

Enjoy your slideshow!

02 November 2010

Frankie at Six Weeks

You saw a bit from his very first day in the world, and a bit from his first week. Now he's six weeks old! It's amazing how fast babies grow! It's been so fun seeing Frankie so much during this time, and it's been awesome to capture some lifestyle sessions for he and his parents to cherish over the years. These precious little moments pass by so quickly!

I love this one! I just can't get over how cute he is!

I love what Jeanette envisioned for the nursery and how well it came together! Frankie will always know how special his family is and how much they all love him.

This has to be the most awesome baby mobile ever!

Jeanette's mom used to sing "You are my sunshine" to all the grandchildren who were blessed to have known her. Now she can still be a part of it all.

He loves watching his mobile:

Melt my heart!

I can't help but smile with this one:

Frankie's so full of smiles!