13 June 2011

Back in business!

So I really didn't mean to disappear from blogging for six months! Actually, I practically disappeared from everything for quite a while. But I'm back! And full of news news news.

The first bit of news is we're expecting a baby! The little one is due in mid-November. We're super duper excited! Crazy bad morning sickness is a big part of what kept me in hiding for so long. Boy, am I ever glad to be done with that!

Our second piece of news is that we bought our first house! We moved in just two weeks ago (yes, I am still very much surrounded by boxes everywhere!). We absolutely love our new place! We're still in walking distance from downtown Plymouth, have a great yard, and have been blessed with a house that is everything we wanted. It will be fun making it our own!

Those two big happenings are the culprits for my lack of getting much work done lately! I'm looking forward to getting back to shooting, editing, updating (man that website hasn't been updated in over a year!), and doing all the other business-y things I love.

Seeing as our baby is due in November, if you're planning on scheduling a session for this year make sure you get one in before mid-October! I'll be shutting down shop temporarily once Baby makes his/her arrival, and will probably continue hibernating through the winter. :) Spaces are limited, so get those calendars out right now and let's get that scheduled!