08 February 2009

Ice Storm

2009 has gotten off to an interesting start. As you may have heard on the news, Kentucky got hit by a pretty big ice storm. Thousands of people lost power--us included. Some still don't have power, over a week later. We were out for 6 days. Thankfully, friends took us in so we had a warm place to stay! We were able to move back home just in time before Matt had shoulder surgery, which was on Thursday.

Besides the power being out, I must say that I really enjoyed seeing snow and ice all around. Crazy, eh? Seriously though, it felt like I was home! You're supposed to be surrounded by snow in January!

Keep on watching for my website updates. I was planning to have them done last week, but between the power being out and taking care of Matt, it's gotten pushed back quite a bit! I'm looking forward to sharing some new photos with you all though!