I've been planning on filling y'all in on my trip to Michigan, and I've just been completely swamped this week, so I haven't gotten a chance! Here's just one little tidbit for now--more to come later!
I spent some time with my friend, Corey, and her son Aedan, taking lots and lots of pics (and relaxing and enjoying girl time!). I also took some with Corey's hubby, Jeremy, which I will post later. These are some of the shots I took with my beloved
Holga. I loooooove Holga shots. For those of you who don't know, Holgas are these cheap little Russian cameras, that use 120mm film and give some pretty wacky results. Focusing is seriously based on these little icons of one person, 3 people, and mountains---real accurate, eh? And for the "shutter speed," you can pick between sunny and cloudy. Oh, and the light leaks that get into the camera create the dark corners, and mine seems to make the bottom right corner really blurry... Each camera has a character of its own!
For these shots, I did do some fun post processing edits on them, but that mainly effected color and contrast. Other than that, any quirkiness you see is entirely the result of Holga-ness (as Corey would say).
This one is my fave: